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Manish Gupta is a renowned business coach and founder of Chrysalis Business Solutions Pvt Ltd .

Change vs. Transformation: Unleashing Your True Potential

 Many people go through life without ever realizing their full potential. They carry untapped talents, unexpressed creativity, and unfulfilled dreams to their graves, much like music that was never played. Each of us is born with an intrinsic gift—some with intelligence, some with exceptional perseverance, and others with creativity, empathy, or leadership. However, most people never fully bring out their gifts because they become trapped in their environment, unable to break free from societal expectations, fears, or self-doubt.

I have personally witnessed this in my father. He was one of the hardest-working people I have ever known. His success was not due to exceptional intelligence or privilege, but sheer dedication and effort. Hard work was his gift, and he made full use of it. Some people, on the other hand, are naturally gifted with intelligence, and they achieve great things by leveraging their cognitive abilities.

But what if someone never discovers their intrinsic gift? What if circumstances suppress their potential? In many cases, people are held back by external factors such as their upbringing, fears, or limiting beliefs. To break free from these shackles, one must understand the difference between change and transformation.

Change Is Temporary, Transformation Is Lasting

In human dynamics, there are two primary approaches to influencing behavior: through fear and through motivation.

  1. Change Through Fear

Fear-driven change is common in households, schools, and workplaces. For example, a child who is not studying may be forced to do so by the fear of an angry parent. In the workplace, a boss might use authority to induce fear in subordinates, compelling them to meet deadlines. While fear can drive immediate action, it is a temporary solution. Once the fear dissipates, the individual reverts to their old behavior.

  1. Change Through Motivation

Another way to induce change is through motivation. Many sales and network marketing companies rely on motivational seminars to inspire employees to achieve higher sales targets. The energy in such seminars is electrifying, and employees leave feeling charged. However, within a week, the enthusiasm fades, and old habits return. This is because motivation, like fear, creates only surface-level change. It does not address the core beliefs, emotions, and purpose that drive long-term behavior.

Transformation: A Deeper Shift

Unlike change, transformation is permanent. It happens when an individual experiences a profound shift in perspective—when something deep within them clicks, and they no longer need external push or reinforcement. Transformation is self-sustaining because it comes from within. There are two primary ways transformation occurs:

  1. Through Continuous Effort

Some transformations take time and effort. Just like learning a new skill or adopting a healthier lifestyle, people go through gradual changes until their new way of being becomes second nature. Discipline and persistence are key.

  1. Through a Defining Moment

Sometimes, transformation happens in an instant—a moment of clarity that alters the course of one’s life. This “bulb-on” moment does not require constant reinforcement; it is so powerful that it permanently shifts one’s perspective.

My Defining Moment: Finding Purpose Beyond Money

I experienced such a defining moment during a particularly challenging time in my life. I had just moved to Pune and was grappling with financial losses. The burden of repaying debts weighed heavily on me, and I found myself sitting outside my office, lost in thought, with my wife quietly beside me. My mind was clouded with anxiety and uncertainty about the future.

At that moment, my wife asked me a simple yet profound question:

“If you had all the money in the world, would you still train?”

I paused for a few seconds and then responded emphatically, “Yes.”

That single question changed everything for me. It made me realize that my work in leadership and training was not just about making money—it was my passion, my calling. It was something I would do regardless of financial gain. That moment transformed me. My mindset shifted from worrying about money to focusing on adding value to people’s lives. Money, I realized, would be a byproduct of doing what I love and building meaningful relationships.

Had she not asked me that question, I might have continued struggling with doubt and stress. That question was the catalyst that unlocked my intrinsic gift and set me on a path of true transformation.

The Key to Transformation: Aligning Skills with Passion

Every individual has an intrinsic gift. However, for that gift to fully emerge, it needs to be paired with a skill set. When passion meets competence, it creates an unstoppable force. The problem is that most people either:

  • Have a gift but never nurture it with the right skills.
  • Have skills but are disconnected from their true passion.

When both come together, transformation happens naturally. You no longer need external motivation or fear to drive you; your inner purpose becomes the fuel that keeps you going.

Conclusion: The Path to Lasting Change

Change is often temporary because it is imposed externally—through fear or motivation. Transformation, on the other hand, is long-lasting because it comes from within. It occurs when a deep realization shifts one’s perspective, making further reinforcement unnecessary.

If you want to unlock your true potential, ask yourself:

  • What is my intrinsic gift?
  • What skills can I develop to complement this gift?
  • Am I truly passionate about what I do, or am I just doing it for external rewards?

The moment you find clarity on these questions, your transformation begins. And when transformation happens, success follows—not as a goal, but as a natural outcome of living your purpose.


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